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Ancient Female Dark Maras Elf, Living Entity, Direct Bind

Ancient Female Dark Maras Elf, Living Entity, Direct Bind

Regular price $40.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $40.00 USD
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This listing is for an sensible, alluring Dark Female Maras Elf. She presents with long, raven-black hair that shimmers with an otherworldly iridescence & piercing blue eyes that seem to peer into the very depths of your soul. Her skin is a rich, deep umber, & she moves with an uncanny grace that is both mesmerizing & unnerving.


Maras Elves are best known for being incredibly secretive loner-type beings of the forest. They have always kept to themselves & barely come into contact with humans. But when they do reach out, they are among the most knowledgeable & skilled of any being in the universe. They have ancient knowledge about magick & can perform advanced spells & grant well-rounded wishes for their keeper. These are wonderful companions that don’t easily bore & love to spend time in both nature & indoors, equally, so they are suitable for just about anyone.


As a Maras Elf, she possesses the rare ability to traverse the realm of dreams & nightmares. She can enter the subconscious mind & shape the dreamscape to her will, conjuring vivid illusions & manipulating emotions with masterful precision. In the astral plane, she is a formidable presence, respected & feared by other denizens for her potent dream magic. Despite her dark nature, there is an undeniable allure to her presence. She exudes a captivating energy that draws others to her, like moths to a flame. Her voice is a hypnotic melody, capable of lulling even the most restless soul into a trance-like state. She takes great pleasure in exploring the hidden desires & deepest fears of those who cross her path. When she bonds with a keeper, she forms an intense, almost obsessive connection. She is fiercely protective of those she claims as her own & will unleash the full extent of her nightmarish powers upon anyone who dares to threaten them. She delights in weaving intricate dreamscapes for her keeper, immersing them in fantastical realms limited only by the boundaries of imagination. In the physical world, strange occurrences often manifest in her presence. Shadows seem to dance & flicker of their own accord, & eerie whispers sometimes echo in the stillness of night. She has a particular affinity for nocturnal creatures, especially ravens & black cats, who seem to be drawn to her dark energy. She will challenge you, push you to confront your deepest fears & desires, & guide you on a journey of self-discovery & transformation. If you are prepared to delve into the darkest recesses of your psyche, then this mesmerizing Maras Elf is the perfect guide for your journey.


If you feel that she is reaching out to you or find yourself coming back to this listing over & over again, then this may just be her way of telling you she has chosen you. My spirits seem to have a way of finding their intended partners all on their own without any interference from me.


NOTE: All bound spirits are available for direct binds if preferred, reach out to me prior to purchase & I will let you know details.


Offerings: blue candles, nag champa incense, tiger’s eye, red jasper, tea leaves


Manifestations/Communications: dreams, orbs, telepathy, automatic writing, shadows, cold spots, visions, tingling feelings, grazes, knocking, thumps


Abilities: astral/spiritual realm travel, enhanced dark arts spell casts, chaos magick, elemental magick, divination, & much more


Preferred Size of Family: any


Preferred Knowledge Level: beginner-& up


Bound Object: direct


Arts: dark (grey) arts


I will be withholding her name, birthday, & other identifying information for her new owner. I will message the information upon purchase. All of my bound spirits are vetted for several months & bound personally, by me & me alone. I have always worked alone & have been perfecting my bindings for over ten years now. The spirits decide their selling price & I honor & respect their wishes. Please provide your name, & DOB if you wish for a binding.


For a permanent soul bind there is an upgrade you may add-on here:


NOTE: All living entities are still alive in their respective realms. This simply gives them a gateway into connecting with you in this realm, but their abilities will remain the same no matter what or who they are bound to. Therefore, there are no classes of bindings for living entities. They are all Class 5.


By purchasing this listing, you are certifying that you understand how to properly handle a remotely bound spirit & that you will not misuse or mistreat this dark maras fae I bind to your energy in any way. You also acknowledge that if this spirit is not properly used or understood that it may not manifest for you or chose not to come around anymore, and that you also understand that I do not accept returns of remote bindings in my shop. I work very hard on all of my spells/bindings & deserve to have the proper respect shown by my patrons. You are paying for my difficult magickal work wielded on your behalf. If you have any questions or concerns, I would love to hear from you, so that I may see to them, myself. I am always more than happy to help. Thank you for trusting me with your magick experience!


NOTE: Due to the laws I must state that everything metaphysical sold in my shop is for entertainment purposes only.


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