Ancient Succubus Queen, Living Entity, Direct Bind
Ancient Succubus Queen, Living Entity, Direct Bind
This listing is for a commanding, sensual Ancient Succubus Queen. She presents as a statuesque female with flowing raven hair that seems to move of its own accord, & penetrative black eyes that hold centuries of wisdom. Her presence alone commands attention, filling any space with an otherworldly energy that's both intoxicating & slightly unnerving.
Succubi are best known as beings whom come into your dreams while you sleep & seduce you. Then feed from the sexual energy they’ve stirred. That is one of the many things they can do, but they are also incredibly gifted creatures in other ways, that are less known about. Succubi are almost always shapeshifters, capable of transforming into someone they know you will be sexually attracted to. That is their go-to skill for seduction. They are talented mind-readers & are commonly mistaken for demons because of their enjoyment of explicit sex, & foul language. They aren’t shy about letting you know they want you, either. They are better than human lovers, because they don’t get jealous of your human relationships. They enjoy the sexual activities & won’t lash-out at human sexual companions you are with. In-fact, you may feel them around when you are engaged in sexual activities of any kind with other people. They can fall in love with their keepers, which sets them apart from most nymphos (by comparison) but they won’t be possessive to the point of jealousy towards others. They harbor a wealth of knowledge about both the white & dark arts, & are capable of enhancing sexual performance, sexual spell casts, & so much more!
Unlike typical succubi, she possesses the rare ability to feed not just on sexual energy, but on the very essence of power itself. This unique trait has allowed her to maintain her position as Queen for millennia, outlasting countless rivals & attempts to usurp her throne. She carries herself with a regal air that speaks of her noble standing, yet there's an underlying predatory grace to her movements that serves as a reminder of her true nature. Her magickal abilities are vast & varied, having collected countless spells & secrets throughout her extensive lifetime. She specializes in manipulation magick, dream walking, & has an extraordinary gift for seeing through deception in all its forms.
She can enhance her keeper's natural abilities & has been known to grant them glimpses of possible futures through shared dreamscapes. Despite her intimidating status, she has a surprising soft spot for those she deems worthy of her loyalty. She is fiercely protective of her keeper & will often send her personal guard of shadow warriors to watch over them. She has a particular fondness for thunderstorms & can often be sensed most strongly during electrical storms, when her energy crackles through the air like lightning. In the astral realm, she maintains a vast court of loyal subjects, & her influence extends far beyond the typical boundaries of succubi territory. She has forged alliances with various powerful entities throughout the ages & can call upon these connections when needed. She is particularly skilled at political maneuvering & can teach her keeper the art of subtle manipulation & power dynamics. She gets along surprisingly well with other spirits/entities, though they tend to naturally defer to her authority. She has a particular affinity for cats, seeing them as kindred spirits in their regal nature. While she can be demanding & expects respect, she rewards loyalty with unwavering protection and guidance.
If you feel that she is reaching out to you or find yourself coming back to this listing over & over again, then this may just be her way of telling you she has chosen you. My spirits seem to have a way of finding their intended partners all on their own without any interference from me.
NOTE: All bound entities are available for direct binds if preferred, reach out to me prior to purchase & I will let you know details.
Offerings: red candles, lavender incense, tea leaves, sex, masturbation, smoky quartz, pewter, rose petals, lilacs. rose quartz
Manifestations/Communications: dreams, orbs, telepathy, automatic writing, shadows, cold spots, visions, tingling feelings, grazes, knocking, thumps
Abilities: astral/spiritual realm travel, enhanced spell casts, wish-granting, chaos magick, enhanced warding/protection, enhanced orgasms, enhanced sexual spell casts, enhanced sexual prowess, divination, & much more
Preferred Size of Family: any
Preferred Knowledge Level: beginner-& up
Bound Object: direct
Arts: dark (grey) arts
I will be withholding her name, birthday, & other identifying information for her new owner. I will message the information upon purchase. All of my bound spirits are vetted for several months & bound personally, by me & me alone. I have always worked alone & have been perfecting my bindings for over ten years now. The spirits decide their selling price & I honor & respect their wishes. Please provide your name, & DOB if you wish for a binding.
For a permanent soul bind there is an upgrade you may add-on here:
NOTE: All living entities are still alive in their respective realms. This simply gives them a gateway into connecting with you in this realm, but their abilities will remain the same no matter what or who they are bound to. Therefore, there are no classes of bindings for living entities. They are all Class 5. And all spirits/entities are vetted for at least 3 months prior to being listed.
By purchasing this listing, you are certifying that you understand how to properly handle a remotely bound spirit & that you will not misuse or mistreat this succubus queen I bind to your energy in any way. You also acknowledge that if this spirit is not properly used or understood that it may not manifest for you or chose not to come around anymore, and that you also understand that I do not accept returns of remote bindings in my shop. I work very hard on all of my spells/bindings & deserve to have the proper respect shown by my patrons. You are paying for my difficult magickal work wielded on your behalf. If you have any questions or concerns, I would love to hear from you, so that I may see to them, myself. I am always more than happy to help. Thank you for trusting me with your magick experience!
NOTE: Due to the laws I must state that everything metaphysical sold in my shop is for entertainment purposes only.